• The first European on the holy mountain Kailash in the legendary land of Shambhala. Riddles of Mount Kailash Legends of Mount Kailash

    On our long journey, we finally approached the “great and terrible” Kailash so much that before meeting with the long-awaited th Mysticism and miracles we have only a few hours left. The last 70-kilometer stretch of the road from the village of Montser to the village of Darchen at the foot of the sacred mountain, it was decided to ride bicycles.

    Takla Makan - Tibet plus Kailash, part 26

    Expedition trip report 2010
    through the Takla Makan desert, the Kun-Lun ridge and the Tibetan Plateau to Mount Kailash
    in diary entries, photographs and "oil paintings"

    April 28th. Twenty-fourth day of the route
    Uncomfortable, in the dust and roar, traveling by bus on Tibetan roads over the previous two or three days shook us out of ... no, not “whole soul”, but the desire to switch back to bicycles. And, in my opinion, the bikes themselves also liked to lie packed on the roof of the bus. Therefore, the first few morning kilometers, when I had to pedal again, were difficult. Something in my bike was rubbing, clinging, not switching and slowing down. In short, the "iron horse" kicked, refused to go and trailed behind everyone.
    But other options had already been ruled out, so everyone had to put up with it. Forty minutes of driving on the dirt road, and we rolled out onto the track.

    Asphalt on the roads of Tibet is mostly absent, but if it is, then it is good. The phrase "bad asphalt road" is not typical for China. They build with integrity here. Or perhaps fear.
    However, the first ten kilometers from the village of Montser to the east, towards Kailash, the Chinese built "to get off." The asphalt looked fresh, but the edges of the pavement had already begun to break off, the curbs in places had half slid into a ditch. But every 100-200 meters, holes were drilled in the asphalt - this was clearly a core sample taken to check the quality of the roadway and the reasons for its destruction. We have never seen anything like this in Russia. Yes, and what, in fact, do we check? And why drill? And so in every domestic pothole, the entire road “sandwich” is visible to its full thickness: five centimeters of gravel and a centimeter of bitumen.
    I think that the investigation into the case of road builders has already been completed, and the Chinese foreman has been shot. However, maybe he just sits in prison, because the asphalt improved further.


    The landscapes along which the route is laid are somewhat similar to the Trans-Baikal ones: wide steppe valleys and low mountains with gentle slopes. The land is very dry, yellow, there is no vegetation. Most likely, the grass will sprout later, when the rainy season begins, and then the desert will turn into a pasture. In any case, long stretches of the steppe are surrounded by wire, apparently, wild antelopes, which are very numerous here, compete with livestock.


    4. Wild Antelopes

    Tibetan pastoralists are known to lead a nomadic lifestyle. When pastures become scarce, families load all their possessions on the backs of yaks and move to a new place. We almost caught a caravan of nomads on the road: they had just crossed the road, passed through the gate in wire fences and quickly moved away towards the mountains. Bad luck…


    To the foot of Kailash, we are left with ... "exactly 6666 m"
    As we moved to the east, a large ridge began to grow from behind the relatively gentle mountains. And then the road went parallel to this mountain range with snow-capped peaks, many of which are shaped like pyramids.
    The ridge is called Kailash, and its central peak bears the same name - a great mountain in every sense, the final goal of our expedition.

    6. Pyramidal Kailash is not visible yet. But other mountains also look like pyramids.

    The road presses closer and closer to the ridge, but the mountains in it are hardly distinguishable, because they are covered with low dark clouds, from which rain streams descend to the ground in a thick gray fringe. And above the valley, clouds hang high in the sky and the weather is beautiful.



    But here the clouds hiding the ridge brighten, spread, through them at first it is ghostly, and then Kailash is clearly drawn.



    We have seen this mountain many times in photographs, it is impossible not to recognize it.

    11. Mount Kailash, view from the south.

    It's time to tell a little about this famous mountain, which millions of people are interested in and revere as the greatest earthly shrine.
    Like Mecca for Muslims, Kailash is the spiritual center of several religions at once. This mountain is worshiped by Hindus, Buddhists, followers of the Bon religion and Jains. And just curious people around the world are interested in it.

    The Tibetans believe that Shakyamuni Buddha lives on the top of Kailash, the Hindus are sure that the god Shiva lives there (this is his summer residence, and for the winter he moves to the Pashaputinah Hindu temple in Nepal), that the mountain is not just holy, it is a source of benevolent power, capable of positively influencing the current fate of the believer and the history of his subsequent rebirths. To purify and improve your karma, you need to make a circular detour (kora) around Kailash. Every Buddhist therefore strives at least once in his life to bypass the sacred mountain. But it is better to do it many times, ideally - 108 times. Then you can confidently count on a “successful, high-quality” reincarnation.


    "One of us is an idiot..."
    The sacred mountain, “like a magnet”, attracts not only believing pilgrims, curious tourists, but also various rogues. The crooks arrange walking tourist trips to Tibet, to Kailas, follow the same paths that pilgrims walk, but call their trips "scientific expeditions." After performing the kora, true Buddhists strengthen their faith and spirit, and our pseudo-scientists have new ideas in their heads, they make “sensational discoveries”, and tons, kilometers and terabytes of lies and nonsense appear in the form of books, articles, interviews, videos about "mysteries and mysteries of Kailash".

    What Buddhists, Hindus and “those like them” believe in, I do not call stupidity. This is their religious teaching, which has evolved over the centuries, fairy tales, legends for believers, enshrined in ancient scriptures. This is the spiritual culture of entire peoples. Tibet, Nepal, India….
    But what the new “researchers” invent and compose is natural nonsense.
    Even those who know about Mount Kailash only by hearsay are probably aware that it resembles a pyramid, and that some ... how to put it mildly ... modern dreamers (who call themselves nothing more than scientists and researchers) such as ophthalmologist Ernst Muldashev say that the pyramid is man-made. Why is there one Kailash! There are about a hundred pyramid mountains, and all of them were created by ancient sculptors! "This is the largest megalithic complex on Earth, built by an unknown civilization"- Professor Muldashev announced.
    Everything was built, of course, by hand ("Tibetans did not know other technologies").
    The height of these "artificial pyramids" is a kilometer and a half. Well, good job guys!
    Dr. Muldashev does not explain anything else (why!? People already believe him, journalists put his every word on the air and in print). But we can think of it ourselves: some centuries ago, the Kailash region, obviously, was a plain. The builders of the "mega-complex" pulled out (manually) thousand-ton blocks from the ground - gorges turned out, and put them in heaps - mountains-pyramids turned out. Otherwise, where were they to get building materials? Not to carry from the neighboring mountain range! However, why not!? They could drag blocks for a thousand kilometers. The mountains already existed before, but so-so .... And enthusiastic fanatics increased each - by a kilometer, and Kailash - by two, giving the shape of a pyramid! And what! It's very simple using levitation! Just as easily as the next “scientist”, “Kailash specialist” tells about it from the screen. Well, only later, when all the workers went to rest, Shiva and Buddha settled on the mountain.

    13. According to E. Muldashev: "The largest megalithic complex on Earth"

    Of course, Muldashev also found Shambhala and, of course, on Kailash. “The mountain is hollow inside” – this ophthalmologist doctor not only saw, but also “immediately felt”. A door leads inside Kailash: “I saw her. This is a recess in the mountain, approximately 150x200 meters, covered with stone. I must say an ancient spell and the door to Shambhala will open itself.”, - Muldashev says calmly. For so many centuries mankind has been searching for Shambhala! Now the issue is resolved! Only now, damn it, "the spell is lost"!

    By the way, against the background of other schizophrenic mumbling, set forth about Kailash by all sorts of esoteric mystics, oculist-occultists and outright charlatans, the thesis about its “man-made” seems not even the biggest nonsense.

    Among the Russian-speaking delusional writers, in addition to the mentioned Ernst Muldashev, I would name two more “fresh” authors: A. Redko and S. Balalaev. One of them is a "scientist-physicist", the other is an esoteric guru."
    If Muldashev began to write rubbish about Kailash before 2000, then Redko and his colleague began to “be weird” from 2004, but they were very successful in this. In addition to this trinity, some “dowsing specialists”, parapsychologists, members of the “Society of Investigators of Atlantis”, fake Russian pilots who flew over Kailash, fake climbers, fake professors came out into the light. A bunch of these figures, with the active support of AiF, Ren TV and other yellow media, for 10-12 years have been grinding so much nonsense to fool gullible citizens that I can’t briefly describe all the nonsense (there are whole documentaries, books of three hundred pages ...).

    Single sober voices of real scientists are practically inaudible, they are drowning in an ocean of nonsense and ignorance that has swept through all the media. Yes, and it is impossible to refute insane statements, due to the complete absence of any sense in them. No wonder they say: "One fool can ask so many questions that a hundred wise men will not answer"

    In order not to be unfounded, I will analyze a couple of examples of pseudoscientific stupidity.
    Pseudo-scientists - authors of delirium - charlatans (or sincerely mistaken people?), Going to Kailash for "new discoveries", call their trips scientific expeditions, but at the same time they do not know and do not understand elementary things, for example, such as methods and methods for determining geographic heights. They probably continue to think that geodesist George Everest measured the height of the Chomolungma in 1841 with a rope, climbing to the top.

    “No one knows the true height of this mysterious mountain. Measurements carried out in various ways show that it annually fluctuates up and down by several tens of meters, as can be seen from maps and reference books. Kailash seems to “breathe” around the average height of 6666m!”- write A. Redko and S. Balalaev ("Tibet-Kailash. Mysticism and reality" (2009).
    The authors who wrote this absurdity have no idea what they are talking about. The movement of the earth's crust, even with an amplitude of only one meter, is at least the result of a grandiose earthquake with a force of 10-12 points.
    In fact, even on Wikipedia, it was written a long time ago that the height of Kailash is 6714m. But our forwarders really like the four sixes. We read further:

    “It is believed that three sixes are the “number of the beast”, but in the biblical Apocalypse it is said that this is also the number of a man. And in esoteric teachings, three sixes are an expression of the Highest creative principle of the Cosmos and symbolize the power of the Divine Mind. Four sixes are the sign of the Absolute.

    The magic of numbers also fascinates Professor Muldashev. With the intonation of the messiah, the ophthalmologist broadcasts from the TV screen:

    “From Mount Kailash to the Stonehenge monument in England - 6666 km. From Mount Kailash to the North Pole - 6666 km. From Mount Kailash to the South Pole twice 6666 km. On the opposite side of Mount Kailash is Easter Island, where there are idols incomprehensible to anyone. Next - the most curious: the height of Mount Kailash is 6666 m - four sixes!

    All this, of course, lies and fraud. And what about the height of the mountain in meters and the distance to the poles in thousands of kilometers? The professor is lying, and does not realize that measuring between two points on the geoid with an accuracy of up to a kilometer is the most difficult mathematical problem. And if you actually pierce a globe with a needle through the center from Easter Island, then we will get 1000 km away from Kailash - to the Thar Desert on the border of India and Pakistan. By the way, I have already analyzed in detail the topic of “incomprehensible” idols of Easter Island.

    Meanwhile, according to the results of the 2009 expedition, A. Redko and S. Balalaev, among other "sensational results", manage to make a "breakthrough in natural science" and for the first time accurately determine the height of Mount Kailash! In the chapter “Details of the most significant results of expeditionary work” (in the same book where their mountain “breathes around a height of 6666m”), the authors write:

    “... the exact height of Kailash at the top was determined - 6612m (in a small area 6613 m). Thus, the true height of the mountain is somewhat less than indicated on the maps (6714m) "

    After this "fundamental discovery" we should probably expect a new sensation soon. Since the height of Kailash turned out to be not 6666, but 6613 meters, then, consequently, the distance from the mountain to the North Pole is now 6613 km, and to the South - twice 6613 km. This can mean only one thing: the radius of the Earth is somewhat less than science thought!!! Well, or the Earth "pulsates" in the rhythm of Kailash and after him also shrunk!

    Watch your hands
    A lot of discoveries were made by the "radish-muldashists" by the method of elementary contemplation of the mountain in different sunlight. If you look long and biased, you will definitely see some images and secret signs among the rocks ... Like children who like to watch the clouds and see people's faces and animal figures in them, so occult scientists do the same, but only peering into the stones. In the system of cracks on the side of the mountain, they enthusiastically recognize the swastika, looking at ordinary rock walls, they see huge artificial “stone mirrors” in them, “concentrating tantric energy”. They calculate meters and degrees and then manipulate the numbers, comparing them with the height of the idols of Easter Island, the shape of the constellation Ursa Major, the length of the base of the Egyptian pyramids, the number of beads in the Buddhist rosary, and so on. Deeply meaningless numerical correlations are basically the "scientific" content of their expedition reports.
    So, contrary to his own "discovery of the true height of Kailash - 6613m", A. Redko, in the line below, begins to juggle numbers and show tricks with a different number - 6612:

    “By the way,” he writes, “for reflection to esotericists and numerologists: the number corresponding to the height of the mountain 6+6=12 and 12+12=24 looks interesting! Or maybe there is a connection with December (the twelfth month) of 2012, the time when one of the cycles of the Mayan calendar, the Tzolkin, ends? Note that during the Tibetan expedition N.K. Roerich, very great importance was attached to the number 24!”.

    What the author wanted to say with this set of words is not at all clear. But now the phrase quoted above is clear: "... the exact height of Kailash at the top is 6612m (in a small area 6613 m)". The principle of numerological focus is also clear.
    Here's how it's done. We take the number 6714 (the height of Kailash) and imperceptibly correct the seven to the six, and the four to the three. Nobody noticed how 6613 came out of 6714? Wonderful. On the next move, we sacrifice one more meter exclusively “for the benefit of science”. Just a meter is such a trifle compared to the incomprehensible essence of Mount Kailash!
    And now, with a new "constant" (6612 m), you can safely go out to the general public with the presentation of the book "Tibet - Kailash. Profitability of mysticism.
    - Be careful, - says the author-delusional writer from the stage of the Vasyukin club of esoteric chess lovers, - we are moving on to the arithmetical mystery of tantric numerology.
    Ain). 6+6=12;
    Zwein). 1+2=12;
    Drain). 12+12=24!!!
    … and we have N. Roerich's favorite number! Congratulations to all of us on a scientific discovery!
    - Wait, wait, Grandmaster Professor, but you are cheating! - A one-eyed lover of numerology and dowsing shouts from the audience. - But this is complete bullshit! Where did you get the second "12" from!?
    - But! From there! I should have been more careful with my hands! I also found a fan! Lovers like this need to be killed!
    - But excuse me, teacher, then return the money for the book!
    - That's it, comrades, the lecture is over. Please disperse! Thank you all for your valuable purchase, enjoy your reading!

    Let's try another trick. with Everest. The height of the mountain, as you know, is 8848m. But why not write: "Everest height 8844m (in a small area 8848m)". A "concession" of 4 m is an absolutely insignificant "error" of 0.045%, but the number 8844 is much more "convenient" for our "science". So, 8844, and we start the exercises in numerology. Watch your hands.

    Option number 1:
    !!! There is a favorite number of N. Roerich in the Tibetan expedition!

    Option number 2:
    !!! Ready! Here it is, the sacred Tibetan number!
    And by the way, is everyone present aware that Everest is also a pyramid !? Here you can see:

    14. Mount Everest pyramidal shape and neighboring eight-thousanders. 2008, Nepal, photo taken from an airplane

    "A male lingam in a female vagina..."
    Having mastered the technique of cheating with numbers, Redko and Balalaev proceeded further along the path of absurdity. They learned to look for the hidden sacred meaning of Mount Kailash not only in rigged numbers, but also in images from space. The most fruitful occupation for professional travelers scammers! (And this despite the fact that earlier Professor Muldashev generally claimed that not a single plane was able to fly over Kailash, and that even from spacecraft it was never possible to photograph the sacred mountain!).

    Nevertheless, the books of A. Redko and S. Balabaev abound with satellite images. The "analysis" of photographs from space is reduced by the authors to the children's game "What does it look like!?". For storytellers, this is an extremely important method of knowing the essence of Kailash. Here is a typical example:

    “…Now let’s look at the Symmetrical Valley” one more time… Why, it has the shape of an ankh! The same rounding in the northern part of the valley, the same cross formed by two almost symmetrical pocket valleys with pyramids in the middle! But, as we have just seen, since ancient times, in the traditions of all peoples, it is customary to consider the ankh as an image of the path to energy and new life.
    Look again at the photo of this amazing valley. After all, on the other hand, it is in the form of a male lingam in the female vagina at the time of intercourse (recall that in this valley the water is pink, and this is nowhere else in Kailash)! All this further passes into the symbolic "womb" - the Valley of Death. And if we assume that the birth of something or someone, or rather, takes place in the Valley of Death!?

    15. Drawing (space image) from the book by A. Redko and S Balalaev “Tibet - Kailash. Mysticism and reality (2009), p.157

    And doesn't that mean that Death Valley is actually the Valley of Life?
    That it is there that the hypothetical origin of entities or beings (new races?) takes place in accordance with cosmic cycles or God's will (which is one and the same).

    Friends, answer, did you understand anything from what was written? Me not. I don’t even ask why a professional traveler (this is how the gurus A. Redko introduce themselves) and a climber (this is how the physicist S. Balalaev seems) saw in the picture exactly a vagina in a section, with a member inside and some kind of cross, and not something else . Why didn't it seem to them like a pacifier, for example, or, say, a sword hilt?
    But I bought the book

    I thought a lot about who they really are - these “Muldashevs”: sincere fanatics of Buddhism, kind storytellers, naive madmen, or impudent pragmatic swindlers? And I came to the conclusion that, most likely, the latter. After all, Mount Kailash is a “promoted”, profitable brand. Worse than Easter Island. There are plenty of gullible townsfolk who are willing to buy non-science fiction and believe in any occult nonsense. In any Country of Fools there is a fox Alice and a cat Basilio. Why not "cut down the money"!
    The more nonsense you spin, the more "novelty in discoveries" and the faster they will buy - apparently this is what pseudo-scientific swindlers are guided by. But, sometimes it seems to me that they are honest people and believe in their own writings.

    But something I was already very carried away by criticism, and in the meantime we drove very close to the village of Darchen at the foot of Kailash, and today, very soon we will be able to check whether, as the “muldazvons” say: “The mountain does not let anyone in ... everyone, absolutely any person, going to Kailash, overcomes a certain boundary ... physically tangible. You feel as if you are passing into a denser environment…”.
    What if these people aren't lying!? What if suddenly tonight (when with friends we set foot on the path of the sacred outer crust), we run into the “condensed air” of Kailash? And won't the path lead us to the Vagina of Death? And won’t we begin to have visions in the form of “thousands of small luminous swastikas hanging in the air” and “a ray of light always beating from the top of Kailash”? ... my wife).
    I will, however, break off at this point with the revelations, just in case…. But then we'll continue...

    In the meantime, I write the sequel, help me answer two questions.

    Report at the II International Scientific and Practical Conference “SACRED GEOGRAPHY. ASPECTS OF EDUCATIONAL AND PILGRIMAGE TOURISM”, April 9-12, 2016, St. Petersburg

    S.Yu. Balalaev
    Kailash Phenomenon Research Group, Voronezh, Russia

    Based on the analysis of ancient Hindu, Buddhist and Bon texts, as well as the results of regular expeditions of the Kailash Phenomenon research group conducted over the past ten years, data are provided on the sacred geography of the region of the most sacred mountain of Asia, Kailash, located in the southwestern part of Tibet. Mount Kailash is considered by millions of people to be the center of the universe. In Hinduism, it is identified as a physical manifestation of the mythological peak of the Universe, Mount Meru - the axis connecting heaven and earth. Together, the sacred mountain, the lakes, and the four rivers that originate near it form a vast geographical mandala that has had a profound effect on the worldview of people living in the Himalayas. The Kailas mandala can have a special effect on pilgrims. The conclusion is made about the need for a comprehensive study of the phenomenon of Kailash.

    Keywords: Kailash, Meru, sacred geography

    In Tibet, three areas are considered the most important for pilgrims: Kailash, Tsari and Lapchi. The inaccessibility and restrictions of the Tibetan government in the first half of the 20th century, and then the ban on visiting this territory by the PRC until the 80s, did not allow foreign travelers to explore this unique region in detail. However, to this day, Tibet is the most closed territory on our planet for visiting. Only well-defined areas are available, which require special permission (permit) to visit.
    Over the past ten years, our group has organized and conducted 16 expeditions to the region of Mount Kailash (Tibet), one of the goals of which was to study the phenomenon of Mount Kailash.
    Kailash is a sacred place of pilgrimage for about a billion (!) adherents of four world religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Bon). The pilgrimage to Kailash is the highest in the world and takes place at altitudes from 4600 to 5830 m. The configuration of the valleys surrounding Kailash allows you to make a kora (bypass) of Kailash in one day (about 50 km). There is no other such mountain on our planet that is sacred to such huge amount people belonging to different religious denominations.

    Photo 1: Satellite image of the routes of the outer and inner core.

    Immediately to the south of the mountain lies a fairly large lake Manasarovar (in the Bon tradition of Mapang). Together, the mountain and the lake form the most famous natural pilgrimage sanctuary of the highlands of Asia. For several millennia, this area has had great cultural significance not only among Tibetan Buddhists and the Bonpos, but has also been described in the art, literature, and rituals of major Indian religious traditions (Brahminism, Buddhism, and Jainism).

    Photo 2: Lake Manasarovar

    Recently, this area has begun to attract Western scientists, researchers, seekers of spiritual truths and tourists interested in Asia. In our opinion, the study of the sacred geography of the Kailash Mandala is of great importance, both using the analysis of ancient texts and with the help of direct energy-informational perception while traveling to these places. To get a more complete picture, we will try to put together a mosaic of representations of various religious denominations that consider this mountain sacred: Hinduism, Buddhism and Bon. We will pay special attention to the ancient tests describing this region.
    The kora around Kailash for pilgrims is something more than passing through geographical places; it is a passage through the immortal world of the human soul, where myth, the material world and awareness merge into an inseparable essence.
    The region of Mount Kailash is one of the eight strongest geoactive zones of our planet, located at the peaks of the planetary Merkaba. The high activity of such zones, which are its "acupuncture" or "chakra" points, is due to the higher manifestation in these areas of energy-information interaction of continuums of different dimensions of space and time with our physical three-dimensional world.

    The location of Mount Kailash and some of the geometric features of this region.
    An interesting regularity in the location of Kailash associated with its coordinates has been discovered. The coordinates of the point on the Serdung Chuksum pass are 31.058926 °, 81.313320 °, the ratio of longitude to latitude gives 2.618 ... This number is associated with the golden ratio, more precisely, it is a square Ф = 1.618 ....

    Photo 3. Lines can be drawn on the surface of the planet, the points of which will have coordinates whose longitude to latitude ratios are 0.618; 1.618; 2.618.

    Photo 4. At Kailash, this line passes through the Serdung Chuksum Pass, connecting the Kailash and Nandi Mountains, through Mount Pakna, the Khandro Sanglam Pass, Chenme Lake.

    Special energy flows are present here on the day of the summer solstice, during sunrise. Despite the great distance from Kailash (about 40 km), in good weather, from a round platform you can observe the sacred peak, which begins to glow in the first rays of the rising Sun over the still dark surface of a lake that looks like a river carrying its waters to Kailash. Behind the back of a person who is on the shore of the lake and contemplates Kailash, the Sun rises. Gradually, the lake begins to brighten, as if on fire from Kailash. Together with the first rays of the sun, a powerful energy vortex arises, directed towards Kailash, which literally transfers to the top of the Sacred Mountain.

    The distance from the Serdung Chuksum pass to the middle of the sacred lake Gauri Kund is 6.666 m, the azimuth is 55.5 degrees. The distance of 6.666 m, up to a factor of 1000, corresponds to one of the characteristic dimensions of our planet - one sixth of the earth's circumference (40,000/6=6,666.67 km). By dividing the circumference of the earth by integers, other characteristic distances are obtained. The accuracy of the correspondence to the number 6.666 of the distance between the point near Kailash and a small mountain lake is unusual!

    Photo 5. Kailash and Lake Gauri Kund

    Photo 6. The distance from the Serdung Chuksum pass to the top of Mount Pakna is 3.333 m, azimuth 64.3 degrees.

    Photo 7. “Special” distances associated with lakes in the Kailash region

    Ancient sources highlight the Four Great Uncreated Mountains of Existence. The most important is, of course, Mount Kailash (Thise).
    The second mountain described in ancient texts is the Mount of Fragrant Incense (Pori Ngeden, on modern Ponri maps). Here is what is said about it: “To the left of Mt. Tise, in an area that extends for as many yojanas as one can overcome in one day, is the Shang-zhung Mount of Fragrant Incense, the mountain of deities. In shape and shape, it resembles a horned deer leaping over rocks and meadows. The summit is a snow-covered boulder that looks like a sparkling fiery Mount Mary. In the middle of the snowy cliffs and meadows is a grove of medicinal and fragrant plants, filling the air with pleasant smells and fragrance; medicinal plants that grow naturally on this mountain can cure all diseases of living beings.”

    Photo 8. Mountain of Fragrant Incense.

    “The one in the northeast is a large boulder of fire-stone, which lies on the Mount of Fragrant Incense and is called the Rock that Guides Living Beings. It is said that when a fire is lit on this rock, everything eaten and drunk, and everything that the fire and smoke touched, gives rise to enlightenment.
    At the foot of Mount Ponri are the ruins of a monastery of the same name. It was destroyed during the "cultural revolution" and has not been restored to this day. This monastery is one of the eight monasteries that the Tibetans used to visit during the kora around Manasarovar. Now it is visited by pilgrims very rarely ...

    Photo 9. The ruins of the monastery of Ponri.

    The third mountain described in ancient Tibetan texts is Mount Gurla Mandhata (7,694 m). It is the highest peak on the Tibetan plateau and is located 69.6 km south of Kailash. This mountain is offset from the main axis of the Great Himalayan Range. The name Gurla Mandhata is used by the inhabitants of the Indian subcontinent. The Tibetans usually call her Ngemo Na Nyi, and for the followers of the Bon religion she is known as Takri Trabo.

    Photo 10. Mount Gurla Mandhata.

    “In an area that stretches as many yojanas as can be overcome in two days, and is called the Land of the Elder Sister, Giving Prayer with a Smile, the Healing Mountain of Takri Trabo faces this great mountain. It is so called because it resembles the Indian striped tiger in shape and shape. Its top is a snow-covered boulder, white as the fangs of a young tiger rushing at its prey. The upper part is made of black slate with white stripes, reminiscent of a wild boar with white bristles on the chest. The middle part is made of blue slate, as clear as the sky reflected in the lake. At the foot of the mountain there are meadows, the yellowness of which is reminiscent of the Golden Island. Inside, the body of the mountain is like a swastika of long life, from the middle of which the pleasant-tasting water of long life continuously flows. If you drink this water or use it for ablutions, it gives longevity and bodily strength. In addition, the Ke-ru-ri j cave is inhabited by people who live for countless kalpas without undergoing birth and death.” We found several references to a cave at the foot of this mountain and a special healing water flowing from its slopes. This is a subject for research in our future expeditions…
    In Eternal Bon, this mountain, as well as Lake La Nga Tso, which lies at its foot, is the domain of the goddess of incredible power, Drablay Gyalmo. This armored and deadly weapon-wielding queen of warrior deities is believed to be from the Zhangzhung era. Gekkho's wife is Drablay Gyalmo, who, like her husband, is also a deity from heaven. She is still respectfully worshiped by Bon practitioners, no matter how far from Upper Tibet they live. This goddess is said to have the fiery radiance of the sun and to have solar and lunar ornaments on her head. Her eyebrows are zigzag lightning and her hair is a swirling stream of golden light and thunder arrows. The Drablay Gyalmo rosary is made of the eight great planets (including the two lunar nodes), and its lace is the twenty constellations. In her peaceful form, she represents a white goddess seated on a lioness and holding an arrow of life adorned with fabrics. In her wrathful form, she is a black sorceress dressed in a goat's skin, releasing a red and white owl of death. In the terrifying aspect of Drablay Gyalmo, all the warrior gods of Shangshung are in unquestioning obedience.
    Purely geographically south of Mount Kailash is Lake Rakshas Tal, and from Mount Ponri is Lake Manasarovar. Accordingly, water flows from Kailash flow only to Rakshas Tal Lake, and from Ponri Mountain to Manasarovar Lake. It should be noted that part of the water flows from Mount Ponri first flows into Lake Kurgyal Chungo, a lake that arose in the process of First Creation, and only then do they enter Lake Manasarovar.

    Photo 11. Satellite image of Rakshas Tal and Manasarovar lakes.

    The 4th mountain mentioned in ancient texts is Mount Riva Tsepgye, which is located west of Rakshas Tal Lake.

    Mountain formations of a special form in the Kailash region
    Stone Ohms
    On both sides of the path along which the pilgrims go through the Drolma La pass, there are two mountain formations, the shape of which is similar when viewed from above at the sacred Vedic symbol - OM. The dimensions of the OMs are about 2.8 km. This is especially well seen on satellite images, on which the level of 5700 m is marked with a blue background. Apparently, these are the largest stone OMs on our planet. It is very unusual that both Ohms have a center of symmetry located in the sacred lake Gauri Kund. Of course, these are miraculous stone formations, but it is amazing that they are next to each other and their main elements are symmetrical!

    Photo 12. Satellite image of 2 stone OMs and Gauri Kund lake.

    The meaning of OM in the Vedic tradition
    The OM mantra is considered a sacred sound that appears during creation, the emergence of the universe and its destruction. It is one of the oldest in Vedic culture. The symbol of OM is a symbol of the infinity of the spirit, the Divine in the world and man. The syllable Om is the original sound that creates the Universe - the first manifestation of the still unrevealed Brahman, which gave rise to the perceived Universe, which originated from the vibration caused by the sound OM.
    The central point of this “device” is Gauri Kund Lake. In addition to the meditations at the Drolma La pass, it seems very important to go down a little below the kora path to Gauri Kund Lake. Here you can drink a few sips of water, moisten your head and wash your face. And to merge with two OMs, to feel the divine sound within you...

    Photo 13. Lake Gauri Kund.

    East of Serlung, a monastery located at the head of the inner kora path, lies the branching Gyangdrak valley. Above the Buddhist monastery of the same name runs a large amphitheater-shaped valley containing the remains of more than 30 dokhangs. The high level of settlement in the area reflects its status as the likely capital of Shangshung. The Gyangdrak amphitheater is an ideal place for an ancient settlement. It is well protected from the harsh northerly winds and has a southern exposure. Gyangdrak also has permanent water sources, something that plays an important role in the arid conditions of western Tibet. In addition, there are sufficient reserves of stones in the area for the construction of ancient dwellings. Gyandrak Monastery is located in a place of great geomantic power. The focal axes of the two valleys that form the stone OM intersect exactly at the location of this monastery! Two huge stone mirrors concentrate energies in this very place!

    Photo 14. Satellite image of stone Om and Gyandrak monastery

    The large natural amphitheater at Gyangdrak has a very deep history. According to Bon sources, this amphitheater was nothing more than the site of the first capital of Zhangzhung. It is said that a castle known as Gyangri Yulojon was founded here and was ruled by three different kings.

    Pyramid-like mountain formations near Kailash
    The pyramid in the Kailash complex is understood not only as its classical version with flat faces, but, as a more general case, when the faces can be concave or convex with varying degrees of curvature and consist of several layers.

    Photo 15. The eastern face of Kailash with the concave Dharma King Norsang Stone Mirror adjoining it.

    The correct pyramid-like shape of Kailash and the correct concave shape of the Stone Mirror, similar to a crescent, are clearly visible. The sloping ridge leading to the platform at the top is oriented exactly east-west.
    Near Kailash there are also trihedral and tetrahedral pyramids. The upper part of the pyramids often consists of several layers, terraces, with their own resonant properties. Some pyramids have a truncated top, some pointed. Pyramids flow into each other, forming with their concave faces peculiar structures with valleys of regular ellipsoid shape.

    Photo 16. Pyramid-like mountain formation located in the western direction from Kailash.

    Photo 17. "Mexican" pyramid. View from the pass of the inner crust Serdung Chuksum.

    In the Kailash Mandala there are many mountain formations that were formed in special subtle energy fields inherent in this place, and, as a result, have special forms. One of these pyramid-like formations, unusual in their regular shapes and sizes, is located 18 km from Kailash, azimuth 108 degrees. At the foot of the pyramid at an altitude of 5512 m there are two small lakes, one with turquoise water, the other with dark, almost black.

    Photo 18. Pyramid-like formation located in the southeast direction from Kailash. Blue background - level 5800 m

    stone swastikas

    Photo 19. Three-beam swastika made of concave mountain faces near the lakes Kapala Tso and Kavala Tso.

    Stone "mirrors"
    By stone mirrors we mean concave stone formations, which are the slopes of mountain ranges. As a rule, they form characteristic semicircular valleys. Such mirrors can reflect and amplify various energy and information flows. Many stone mirrors, in contact with each other, form stone pyramids with concave sides.

    Photo 20. There are quite a lot of concave stone formations in the Kang Tise ridge. One of the largest is the concave stone mirror of the Valley of Life and Death.

    The stone mirror of the Valley of Life and Death consists of 3 parts, as if from three parabolic antennas. The connections of these mirrors form small protrusions, which, when viewed from the valley, form the sides of a regular trapezoid. Their angle of inclination is approximately 55 degrees from the horizon. Therefore, the real focus is not on the earth's surface. It is located at an altitude of about 1500 m above the surface, i.e. at the top of Kailash! And at the beginning of the glacier, at a distance of about 2 km from the stone antenna, there is a projection of the focus of the central mirror, oriented to the earth's surface. This amazing point of true focus can be fully experienced while meditating in this place…

    Photo 21. Kailash and a stone mirror.

    Photo 22.

    If we take a horizontal cut at an altitude of 5780 m, it turns out that the length of the arc formed by the stone concave mirror is 1.97 km and is equal to the radius of the circle forming it.
    Recall that the length of the arc of a circle, along which its radius fits, is the natural arc and angular unit of radians. As we know, along any full circle, its radius fits approximately 6.28 times. More precisely, the length of a full arc of a circle is 2 radians, and in any number systems and units of length. Thus, the size and shape of the stone mirror of the Valley of Life and Death is connected with the world constant "Pi".

    Photo 23. Stone mirrors of the southeastern shoulder of Kailash, which form the Valley of Life and Death and the Symmetrical Valley, have a common axis of symmetry at a distance of about 6 km.

    Perception of the Kailash Mandala in various traditions in accordance with the level of human consciousness.
    There are different types of perception of the Kailash Mandala. First, the perception on the part of those people who do not follow the religious path: for them it is a sparkling and majestic snow-covered mountain, rising into the sky like a king sitting on his throne. And the mountain has such splendor because its small peaks are arranged in the manner of ministers bowing before the king.

    Photo 24. View of Kailash from a helicopter.

    Secondly, from the point of view of Hindus, outwardly this snowy mountain looks like a crystal reliquary sanctuary (stupa). And she has such splendor because inside she encloses a palace in which the great god Mahadeva and the goddess Uma reside in unity like “mother-father”.
    Even today, every year hundreds of thousands of Hindus go to the places of pilgrimage in the Himalayas (tirtha). The most visited place of pilgrimage, which is most often mentioned in religious texts and epic works, is the region of Mount Kailash and Lake Manasarovar. For many, he is the earthly personification of Meru, the great mountain mentioned in the Mahabharata. This mountain is also perceived as the physical embodiment of the Shiva Lingam. It embodies the ancient idea of ​​"the navel of the earth", "the axis of the world", "the first of the mountains", "the fixed point of the rotating world", "rooted in the seventh hell and rising to the highest paradise".
    Mythical tales in the Shiva Purana say that the Himalayas are the abode of Shiva. This is the country where Lord Shiva lives with his wife Parvati.
    Popular Hindu perception associates the Himalayas with God Shiva, the Destroyer and Creator of the Hindu Triad. The other two gods of the Triad also live here: Brahma, the Creator, and Vishnu, the Protector. According to ancient Hindu religious texts, the abode of the creator Brahma is called Brahmaloka, the abode of God Vishnu is called Vaikuntha, and the abode of God Shiva is called Kailash. Of all three, only one can come to Kailash in a physical body and return, having touched divinity. According to Hindu mythology, Kailash is the divine center at the heart of all creation, and with his veneration comes the vision of the divinity of all things.
    The northern face of Mount Kailash and the ridge of adjacent mountains is the primary lingam (phallus) of Shiva. For a long time it was reproduced in thousands of architectural forms and became a fetish in India. Lingam symbolizes the generative impulse to enlightenment, present in the entire universe.

    Photo 25. Shivalingam and Mount Kailash

    The Shiva Lingam, or Mount Kailash, has a natural perfection, and together with the yoni, or womb, represents a community, or unity of opposites. The womb and phallus symbolize the opposite natural forces and their union - the transcendental qualities of divinity. The traditions, legends, myths and religious significance of Kang Rinpoche (Mount Kailash) constitute the richest aspect of human culture. This echoes the veneration of natural features throughout the world, but nowhere else is there such a long-standing and complexly organized bridge between nature and religion.
    Thirdly, according to those who adhere to the teachings of the "Little Vehicle" and independent practitioners who embarked on the path, the appearance is presented as a snowy mountain, but inside it is the majestic Buddhist saint Angaja, who is in great joy of meditation with his retinue of 500 worthy Buddhists (Arhats).
    Fourthly, according to the perception of those who have gained the highest good - saints who have achieved the fulfillment of the Vajrayana path from hidden ritual formulas (mantra), then for them Mount Tise (Kailash) has the form of Samvara - a perfect ability enclosed in the arms of Varaha - perfect wisdom in the form of a snowy mountain Malaya Tisza. All her minor peaks are in the form of sixteen goddesses of knowledge who make offerings to her.

    Sacred Valleys of Kailash

    Photo 26, 26a. The main valleys - the Valley of the Flag, the Divine Valley and the Valley of the Fortress have the form of three channels for transmitting the vital energy of the subtle yogic body, respectively, the central, left and right

    So, the ancient Hindu, Buddhist and Bon texts speak of the Kailash Mandala as a unique multi-dimensional, multi-level formation, the Center of the World, containing all aspects of Being. The central part of the Kailash Mandala is a huge stone eight-petalled lotus, formed by eight valleys, separated by eight mountain ranges adjacent to Kailash. In the center of this stone lotus is Kailash. All this corresponds to the ancient descriptions of the legendary Mount Meru.
    The understanding of the sacred geography of the Kailash region is based on the so-called lotus model of the Kailash Mandala. From the point of view of Buddhist ideas, this model is described in detail by the German researcher Wolfgang Volmer.

    Photo 27. Satellite image of Kailash Mandala. The orange line is the outer bark ring. The blue lines are the riverbeds starting at Kailash. The blue background is a horizontal slice at an altitude of 5600 m.

    1. Gangjam Chu (North)
    2. Polung Chu (northeast)
    3. Khandro Chu (northeast)
    4. East Gate
    5. Shingjong Chu
    6. Gedhun Chu
    7. Gyangdrag Chu/Selung Chu
    8. West Gate
    Considering these valleys as the dividing lines between the petals, and the isolated mountains between the valleys as the lotus petals themselves, the Kailash massif can be seen as an eight-petalled lotus flower - the Circle of Great Bliss.
    Note that the valleys of the outer crust, of course, do not form a regular circular shape. But in its size there is an amazing pattern. If you build a cross oriented to the four cardinal points, the center of which is on the top of Kailash, then its crossbars within the path of the outer crust will have dimensions of 15.400m and 9.510m in the north-south and west-east directions, respectively. The ratio of these numbers gives 1.619, i.e. the dimensions of the bark that the pilgrims pass almost correspond to the golden ratio!

    Photo 28 The place where Master Buddha used to preach the Buddhist doctrine to Ma-dros-pa, the king of serpent deities (klu).

    Sheldra (Crystal Image) is one of the most famous places of pilgrimage for Kang Rinpoche. It is located up the valley from Serlung Monastery at an altitude of 5300 m. For centuries, Sheldra was used by Buddhists for meditation and was partially restored after the consequences of the Chinese Cultural Revolution. However, no one lives permanently in it now. There was no prior information about the history of the place. Given the abundance of ancient sites built in the same style and occupying a similar geographical position in the region, it seems that Sheldra's roots go back to the ancient cultural layer.

    Photo 29. On a rocky mountain behind the Serlung valley is the famous Crystal likeness (Sheldra).

    Photo 30. At the top of Sheldra there is a rocky mountain known as the Palace of Shiva, and on the side there is a protruding rock, which is called Shiva's helper monkey Hanuman.

    Inside the fence of ritual scepters (dorje ra-ba) surrounding the majestic Tise mandala is the so-called Inner Kora (nang-skor) Sheldra, and here are the golden funerary sanctuaries of the hierarchs (gdan-rabs) of the Bri-gung sect. Currently, the "Thirteen Golden Tombs" is an entirely Buddhist sanctuary site. Until the 11th century AD, this place probably belonged to the Bonpos. These monuments, in their original form, were probably the thirteen chorten tombs mentioned in the tradition of sacred Bon geography. However, no archaeological evidence has yet been found to support this idea.

    Photo 31. Thirteen chortens in the Saptorishi niche.

    The "Thirteen Golden Tombs" are located directly above the ancient temples and hermitages of the region, thus it is impossible to establish a direct connection with the ancient settlement models. The climate at an altitude of 5800 m is exceptionally severe, characterized by snowfalls and freezing temperatures during all months of the year. Also, the air pressure at this altitude is very low in order to be suitable for permanent human habitation. As now, in ancient times the use of this place was probably limited to ritual and ceremonial functions of a short duration.
    Despite their modern architectural character, the sites near the Thirteen Golden Tombs abound with Bon mythology. The Bon texts say that the front (south) side of the great crystal chorten, which is Kailas, was decorated by the founder of the Bon religion (Tonpa Shenrab) and the first king of Zhangshung (Kakki Charusen, Kags Kui bya-ru kan), as well as other religious figures. It is believed that ancient sacred texts written in the language of the kingdom of Shangshung are also hidden near the "Thirteen Crystal Chortens".
    Lower Valley lHa-lung. Main roundabout
    Then, if you go from the lower reaches of the Dar-lung valley further [to the northwest] around the Buddhist circular path (chos-skor), you can reach the so-called Stretching Ridge in the lower reaches of the lHa-lung valley. The mountain in the east is the Palace of the Yellow Dzambhala. Higher on the way to the west, on the Mandala Terrace, is the "unshakable nail" - the footprint of the Buddha Teacher, which is surrounded by the footprints of 500 worthy Buddhists.
    A little higher on the gentle slopes of the mountain there is a cave where Naro Bon-chung stopped in the past, and inside there is a footprint of the master Mi-la [Ras-pa]. On the side of this cave there is a spring called the Healing Water of Diseases. Also at the top is a shrine-tomb known as the Self-Manifesting Sixteen Buddhist Saints. From here, on the way to the west from the Golden Pool, one can cross the lha-chu river and continue to the mountain called the Black Dzambhala Palace.

    Photo 32. Satellite image

    Dzong-lung Valley, Zutrul Phuk Monastery

    Photo 33. Mountain, in the south, at the lower end of Khandro Sanglam - the Palace of the Blessed Mother of Long Life. From here, on the eastern bank of the Dzong-chu river, there are footprints of the protector of living beings gTsang-pa rGya-ras.

    Photo 34

    Below in the side stands a hill that looks like a golden two-story house called the Medicine Buddha Palace. On the slopes of this hill grow all kinds of medicinal herbs, there are countless cells for meditation of Bri-gung hermits.

    Proof and Faith
    With regard to statements about the elements of the landscape such as "This is a deity, and this is his palace", one should not adhere to views that consider these statements to be exaggerations simply because they are invisible to ordinary perception. These are exclusively the visions of many bodhisattvas who have dwelt in this place. In this regard, everyone can discover faith and reverence in their heart without any ambiguous perception.
    The Kailash mandala carries special “reference” vibrations, when co-tuned with which a person can activate his own energy system, align subtle bodies and build a communication channel with his higher aspects.
    Kailash has a transformative effect on people who have made a pilgrimage to it. This is expressed, for example, in a change in the picture of the world, in which a person begins to perceive himself not only and not so much as a physical body, but as a spiritual being, whose spirit only temporarily resides in a dense body. The resulting vector of development leads to an equalization of the balance of the spiritual and material aspects.
    The Kailash mandala is one of the most important energy-information nodes of our planet, a giant natural converter of energies coming from the Cosmos for our planet and the people inhabiting it, as well as a place where the reverse energy exchange of the planet with the Cosmos takes place. Thus, one of the options for the energy-information exchange of the Earth and the surrounding space is carried out. Kailash has an impact on the evolutionary processes of the Earth and man.

    Photo 35. Energy-information exchange of the planet and Space through Kailash.

    It seems very important to continue the study of the sacred geography of the Kailash region from the point of view of Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and Bon, as well as with the help of modern scientific research and direct spiritual perception.

    Today I want to talk to you about a very interesting mountain in Tibet - Mount Kailash. Today my story will not be aimed, as usual, at some general characteristics, and how nice it is, I want to touch on the mysterious side of this mountain, although it’s hard to call it a mountain either. Kailash is one of the parts of the mountain range of the Tibetan Plateau. Kailash is located on the territory. ( 11 photos)

    Various disputes have been circulating around Mount Kailash for many years. In general, Mount Kailash is a mountain range that stands out among all its other brothers, it is the highest. Kailash has a pronounced pyramidal shape, and its faces are clearly oriented to all parts of the world! And on top of it is a small snow cap. I would like to note to climbing lovers that Kailash has never been conquered by anyone, not a single person has visited its peak. Mount Kailash coordinates: 31°04′00″ s. sh. 81°18′45″ E (G) (O) (I) 31°04′00″ s. sh. 81°18′45″ E d.

    And so the first mystery is the fact that the faces of Kailash are clearly formed in all parts of the world. Scientists say that Mount Kailash is not a mountain at all, but nothing more than a giant pyramid. And all the other small mountains are scarlet pyramids, so it turns out that this is a real pyramid system, which is much larger in size than all those that we previously knew: Indeed, Mount Kailash is very similar to a large pyramid, hence the question arises - why is it?

    Most scientific opinions agree on one point, Mount Kailash is nothing more than the largest point on Earth where energy accumulates! A unique feature of the Kailaxi Mountains is that various kinds of concave, semicircular and flat semi-stone structures literally adjoin Kailash. What can this say, in Soviet times, developments were carried out to implement the “time machine” no, no, this is not a joke, various kinds of mechanisms were really invented with the help of which people would be able to finally overcome time. One of our genius compatriots, Nikolai Kozarev, came up with such a thing, a system of mirrors, according to Kozarev's system, a time machine is a kind of concave aluminum or mirror spiral bent clockwise one and a half turns, there is a person inside it.

    According to the designer, such a spiral reflects physical time and in due time focuses different types of radiation. According to the results of all experiments, time inside this structure flowed 7 times faster than outside it. After the experiments carried out on humans, it was decided to close further development, people began to see various ancient manuscripts, flying saucers, and apparently a lot more, because they won’t tell us everything clearly. But the results were stunning, on mirror reflections people saw the past like in a movie, in addition, it turned out that with the help of this system of mirrors people can exchange thoughts at a distance. We conducted a very interesting experiment, people placed inside the stole of the spiral had to betray the image of the ancient tablets to other people who at one time were in C.

    And what do you think, people not only received and were able to reproduce what they saw, but in addition to this, they also grabbed several previously unknown ancient tablets, which are impossible to invent. One way or another, but the Soviet authorities were afraid of something and the developments were closed. We can see the same principle of action here! The Kailash system is almost the same only on a large scale, just imagine a copy 1.5 km long and half a km wide. In the Kailash mountain system, in the center of the entire spiral of various mountain ranges is Mount Kailash. The deformation of time near Kailash is confirmed by many priests, and Buddhists, well, everything is clear with them, they always believe in sacred places, but there was one case with the Soviet expedition. By the way, Mount Kailash is considered a sacred place by all the peoples who lived here. As well as many other Buddhists and the believer Mount Kailash is a great mountain.

    A group of researchers who went to Kailash came close to the mountain and began to perform the "Kora". The bark is a sacred detour around the entire mountain, after which, according to legend, a person is completely cleansed of the bad karma accumulated by him over several lives. And so all the participants who made the "Kora" for some 12 hours that they walked, aged for two whole weeks. All participants grew a two week old beard and nails, although they only walked for 12 of our hours! This suggests that the biological activity of a person in this place is many times faster. We may not believe it, but people come here so that their lives fly by in a super short time.

    Many yogis spend their amazing meditations here for several days. Surprisingly, if you meet such a person, then infinite kindness and light simply sparkles from his eyes, it is always very pleasant to be next to such a person and you don’t want to leave at all. It can be assumed that Kailash is a structure created by someone artificially, to collect and concentrate the energy of the future (from space) and passed (from the earth). There are suggestions that Kailos is built in the form of such a crystal, that is, the part that we see on the surface continues with a mirror image in the ground. When Kailash could have been created is also unknown, in general, the Tibetan Plateau was formed about 5 million years ago, and Kaila, well, its very young age is about 20 thousand years.

    We can see such a kind of plaster in some places of Kailash. You can see the delamination of this kind of coating, which is in no way inferior to concrete in strength. Behind this plaster, one can clearly see the solidity of the mountain itself. How and by whom these creations were erected, of course, remains a great mystery. It is not clear who could create such huge palaces, mirrors, pyramids from stone. As well as whether these were earthly civilizations, or whether this was the intervention of unearthly minds. Or maybe all this was created by some kind of super-smart civilization that has some kind of gravitational knowledge and magic. All this remains a deep mystery.

    There is a very interesting geographical feature associated with Mount Kailash! Look, if you take and draw a meridian from Mount Kailash to the legendary pyramids of Egypt, then the continuation of this line will go to the most mysterious, the Inca pyramids are also on this line! But that's not all, it's very interesting that the distance from Mount Kailash to is exactly 6666 km, then from Mount Kailash to the extreme point of the North Pole hemisphere, the distance is exactly 6666 km. and to the South Pole exactly twice 6666 km, note no more no less than exactly two times, and that the most interesting height of Kailash is 6666 meters.

    Isn't it all very much like a coincidence. Perhaps inside the mountain is hollow and there are in deep meditation all the greatest sages who were sent to us on Earth, these are Jesus Christ, Buddha and others .. Perhaps a new era of people will appear for whom all those mysteries that are beyond our power remain unsolved. If you believe the manuscripts of different peoples, this new, sixth civilization will appear, and will differ in terms of intelligence, well, we have nothing left to do but enjoy life. Feel free to comment on your thoughts. All good emotions.

    Mount Kailash in Tibet is an unusual natural monument, which is one of the mysteries of our time. Researchers have been trying for many years to understand what is hidden behind the monolithic rocks. The most common version is that the hill is a man-made pyramid designed to accumulate energy from space.

    Mount Kailash in Tibet, what are they hiding from us?

    This peak is part of the mountain system in the south of the Tibetan Plateau. There is no higher hill in the vicinity. It rises above the plain at 6666 m. This number seems to be chasing the sacred mountain. A distance of 6666 km separates it from the mysterious Stonehenge, as well as from the North and South Poles. It is located in line with Egyptian pyramids and buildings of the Incas.

    The mountains hide numerous secrets that scientists have been trying to unravel for decades. Until now, no one has understood why the other slopes of the planet do not have such an unusual stepped shape. Each of the four sides of Kailash is directed to a certain part of the world.

    In the photo from a height, the rock looks like it is in the center of a huge stone spiral. All this gave the researchers a reason to assume that it is the largest storage of energy coming from space. In favor of this is the argument that the mountain range is a system of "mirrors". This is evidenced by the unusual location of the Tibetan hills.

    Scientists believe that there are several mirrors in the ridge:

    • western;
    • northern;
    • additional.

    They are semicircular stone valleys capable of redistributing the action of energy flows. As a result, mirrors distort the passage of time.

    Did you know that Soviet scientists conducted a similar experiment. The system of mirrors invented by Nikolai Kozarev turned out to be capable of distorting space and time. It was located in a spiral and resembled the Kailash mountain range, only in a smaller version. Participants of the experiment talked about how they were able to look into the past, and exchanged thoughts with other test subjects.

    Mountain or pyramid?

    Researchers believe that the Tibetan mountains hide numerous secrets that are now impossible to unravel. One of these mysteries is what actually represents a natural object. Some scientists have come to the conclusion that the rocks are a man-made monument, which is a pyramid.

    This conclusion was prompted by an unusual stepped shape and the fact that all the faces are directed to different parts of the world. If you carefully examine the photo, the rock resembles a pyramid. Around Kailash are smaller hills, which are considered small pyramids.

    Not all researchers agree with this statement. Geologists refute the evidence, since the pyramidal shape is also inherent in some other elevations of the planet. However, the slope itself is stepped and layered, which is more typical for man-made structures than for naturally formed objects.

    Did you know that another mystery that cannot be solved is the image of a swastika that appears on the mountain at certain hours. It is formed in riverbeds and is best seen at sunset due to the play of shadows.

    What is inside?

    Scientists have been trying for many years to understand what is on the top of Kailash, what secrets are hidden inside the mountain range. It is widely believed that behind the monolithic rocks is hidden a whole network of interior spaces created by some advanced civilization. In one of the rooms is the mythical black stone Chintamani, which monitors cosmic vibrations and controls energy flows.

    The conjecture is interesting, but many researchers believe that it is impossible to create such a structure, even with modern technologies. In ancient times, building a huge object was unthinkable. Followers of the theory argue that an alien civilization assisted in the construction of Kailash.

    People who believe in the existence of an incomprehensible universal mind believe that the sacred mountain hides inside one of the religious leaders:

    • Buddha;
    • Jesus Christ;
    • Krishna and others.

    According to this view, spirit guides are in meditation and will one day come down to earth to help rebuild the planet.


    Sacred Mountain has many names. Europeans also call it Kailash. The Chinese language is characterized by the sound of Gandishishan or Ganzhenboqi. In Tibet, the name Kang Rinpoche is common, which translates as "precious snow mountain."

    Climbing history

    The sacred mountain attracts thousands of tourists and believers, but so far no one has conquered its summit. Climbing to the highest point and taking an unforgettable picture is a dream of many. Her inaccessibility further strengthens this desire.

    Did you know that the history of the conquest of the mysterious Kailash is not so many years old. Permission from the Chinese authorities to climb in 1985 was received by the Italian climber Reinhold Messner. Shortly before the start of the ascent, he himself abandoned it.

    The next time the ascent was planned to be started by a group of Spanish climbers. In 2000, officials approved the expedition, but it also did not take place. Thousands of believers lined up in a human chain at the foot of the slope and demanded that the ascent be banned. The Spaniards were unable to climb, and no one conquered the summit.

    Four years later, two Russians made a new attempt. The weather got in the way. A hurricane-force wind picked up and snowfall knocked down. Believers believe that the rock itself protects itself from the presence of people, creating an invisible barrier with the help of mirrors that mortals cannot overcome. Time flows differently here, so a person lives for several weeks in a couple of days.

    Thousands of pilgrims annually go around the mountain - the so-called ritual bark. There are 2 route options:

    • Outer bark;
    • Internal.

    The easiest way - Outer - 50 km long. It can be completed in 2-3 days. On the way, a person overcomes energy channels. Believers believe that the stones encountered on the route are frozen higher beings, who are now endowed with great power.

    Do you know that during the performance of the kora, pilgrims experience a spiritual uplift, many enter into a real religious trance. When passing the route, a person is tested for strength by higher forces. He will encounter obstacles that need to be overcome for spiritual purification.

    In different parts of Kailash, rebirth, purification of karma takes place. All negative events and actions remain in the past. The believer returns from the path a completely different person. After the pilgrimage comes an understanding of how insignificant material values ​​are, and what an important role spiritual ones play.

    religious significance

    Many religious teachings of the East are associated with Kailash. In most creeds, there is an image of a great mountain, which is considered the center of the universe. At its foot, sacred rivers originate, giving life. Numerous rituals, legends and tales are associated with the summit. Today, followers of the following religious teachings believe in its higher purpose:

    • Buddhism. Believers believe that Samvara lives on the slope - an angry incarnation of the Buddha. According to them, the spiritual leader meditates in order to one day appear to the world. Thousands of Buddhists gather at the slope every year to celebrate Saga Dawa - a day dedicated to the Buddha;
    • Judaism. The followers of this Eastern teaching are of the opinion that Kailash is the habitat of the supreme god Shiva. In their view, the mountain is the cosmopolitan center of the universe, and Brahma lives on the neighboring lake Manasarovar;
    • in the Tibetan Bon tradition, the rock and the lake, located at its slope, are the center ancient country Shangshung, which became the birthplace of a religious movement. According to believers, it was here that the god Tongpa Shenrab first set foot on earth;
    • in Jainism, the mountain is perceived as the place where the first saint was able to achieve spiritual enlightenment. Followers of the creed perform a ritual kora with meditation to reach Nirvana.

    Did you know that the Inner Cortex runs through the top of Nandu's Sarcophagus. According to legend, the gene pool of mankind is located inside the rock, and it is connected by an underground passage with Kailash.

    Kailash in parascience

    From the point of view of mystics, it is necessary to regard the mound as a dwelling place for higher powers. In the religious texts of numerous creeds, it is said that no mortal has the right to reach the top. According to legend, anyone who dares to set foot on the highest point will immediately die or be covered with numerous non-healing ulcers.

    Followers of different religions are sure that a higher mind lives inside. Many claim to have repeatedly seen flashes of light, the outlines of which resembled a human being.

    The mystical component includes the image of the swastika, which appears due to cracks and rocky shadows. Also, not only the mountain itself is revered, but also the reservoirs that are located in its vicinity. This lake is the life of Manasarovar and the death of Langa-Tso.


    Kailash raises many questions among researchers, but practically does not give answers to them. Unusual properties are attributed to the mountain peak, it is believed that it distorts space and time, opens portals to other worlds and controls cosmic energy. Adherents of this theory are sure that the object was erected by an ancient advanced civilization or aliens.

    The reality is that so far no confirmation of any of the guesses has been found. Scientists agree that the mountain cannot be man-made or hollow inside, but is an ordinary natural monument. However, the search for the mysterious Shambhala leads many people here, and someone claims that only here they have found true harmony with the world.

    Until now, scientists are arguing about the history of this amazing mountain. Is Kailash an artificially created pyramid or a mountain of natural origin? To date, there is no reliable information about this, as well as how many years ago Kailash was born and why it has the shape of a pyramid, the edges of which accurately point to parts of the world. It is also surprising and inexplicable that the height of the mountain is 6666 m, the distance from Kailash to the Stonehenge monument is 6666 km, and the same to the North Pole, and to the South - 13 332 km (6666 * 2).

    Kailash is a place shrouded in thousands of mysteries and legends. And so far, the top of the sacred mountain has not been conquered by anyone. Kailash does not let mere mortals to the top, where, according to legend, the gods live. Many tried against all odds to climb up there. But no one was able to overcome the invisible wall, which, as the unfortunate travelers assure, arose on their way, preventing them from following to the sacred peak. Kailash seems to repel them, allowing only those who believe very much to perform ritual kora.

    From Kailash originate the 4 greatest rivers of Asia, which have powerful energies. It is believed that when a person makes a detour around Kailash, he comes into contact with this power. Kailash is a very powerful center of power. It carries the energy of dissolving everything old. Whoever performs the kora is filled with energy and life force to help people.

    Walking around Kailash is a custom. A custom of faith that contains great power. On Kailash they say that one who passes the bark with faith and a sense of unity with God acquires a special divine power here.

    The large kora around Kailash takes 2-3 days. Throughout the journey, a person passes through the strongest energy centers, where divine flows are felt. Kailash is like a temple. All stones on the way have a certain charge. Pilgrims believe that demigods or higher souls live in the stones. According to ancient legends, many divine beings who once visited here turned into stones. And now these stones have a special divine power.

    The first day of the kora is anticipation, lightness, elation. On the second day passes the highest and most difficult pass - Death Pass. It is said that during this period one can experience the experience of death. For example, a person may fall and go into a trance. Many say that during such a trance they felt their body on the very top of Kailash.

    The Drolma-la pass symbolizes the new birth. People try to leave something personal in this place. It is believed that in this way a person purifies his karma. This is a symbol of leaving the past, some dark, negative part of the soul. Having dropped everything superfluous on this pass, it becomes easier and freer to go further.

    Around Kailash, you can go either in the outer circle - a large one, or in a small one - the inner one. Only those who have circumnavigated the outer one 13 times are allowed to enter the inner one. They say that if you immediately go there, then high divine energy will block the path for a person.

    There are beautiful lakes on the inner crust, the water in them is sacred. There is a monastery on the shore of these lakes. People believe that enlightened people still live there. And if someone is lucky enough to meet them, he will be blessed.

    When a pilgrim passes the kora, he turns to the higher powers and turns to them with a prayer. Kailash is a symbol of the highest deity. And the outer journey to Kailash is actually an inner journey to your deity.

    There is a belief that the god Shiva lives on Kailash. For Hindus, Shiva is a force and energy capable of creating and destroying worlds. They believe that there are three main forces in the universe: creation, maintenance, and destruction. The power of Shiva is a connection with universal energy.

    There are often obstacles in the way of the wanderer, both physical and spiritual. Kailash tests a person for strength and points out weaknesses. Overcoming all difficulties in the pilgrimage is the best way to purify and change.

    When a pilgrim leaves Kailash, goes down below, he understands that it doesn’t take much to be happy. We have air that we can breathe, we have food, a roof over our heads - and this is enough for the happiness of the external material, everything else must be sought inside.

    For hundreds of years people have been coming here and bringing prayer in their hearts. Lake Manasarovar, like Kailash, is revered as sacred. To his right is the summit of Gurla Mandhata. According to legend, she was a king in a past life. Then there was no water and the king began to pray. One day, God heard his prayers and created a lake from his mind. This lake is the sacred lake Manasarovar.

    Another lake near Kailash, called Rakshas Tal, is considered cursed. It is separated from the sacred lake by a narrow isthmus. Surprisingly, with such a close location, these two reservoirs have huge differences. You can dive into the sacred lake, there are fish and you can drink water from it. The water in this lake is fresh and is considered healing. Lake Rakshas Tal, on the contrary, is salty and you can’t plunge into it. And the places where a source of dead and living water is located nearby have been considered places of power since ancient times.

    Kailash also has another sacred lake - Gaurikund. According to legend, it was created by Shiva for his wife Parvati. She helped people a lot, because of which her body was severely emaciated. Having bathed in this lake, Parvati found a new body, and since then no one else can touch its sacred waters. There are many legends about the death of people who touched Lake Gaurikund.

    There are 4 caves in the vicinity of Kailash. One of them, the cave of Milarepa, is located in the southeast of Kailash next to the sacred path. According to legend, the great yogi Milarepa placed two stone blocks at the entrance of the cave, on which he installed a huge granite slab. This slab cannot be moved by hundreds and even thousands of people. And Milarepa carved it out of granite and laid it with the help of his spiritual power. And it was in this place that he achieved his enlightenment.

    There is a legend that Milarepa and the Bonn priest Naro Bonchung fought for power over Kailash. During the first confrontation of supernatural forces at Lake Manasarovar, Milarepa stretched his body on the surface of the lake, and Naro Bonchung stood on the surface of the water from above. Not satisfied with the results, they continued the fight, running around Kailash. Milarepa moved clockwise while Naro Bonchung moved against. Meeting at the top of the Dolma-la pass, they continued the magic battle, but again to no avail. Then Naro Bonchung suggested that on the day of the full moon, immediately after dawn, climb to the top of Kailash. Whoever rises first will win. On the appointed day, Naro Bonchung rode his shamanic drum to the summit. Milarepa rested quietly below. And as soon as the first rays of the sun reached the peak of Kailash, Milarepa grabbed one of the rays and instantly reached the top, gaining power over the sacred mountain.

    At Kailash, prayer flags hang everywhere. These are protective symbols. People hang them to succeed in some good undertakings. These flags are also called "Wind Horses". The symbol of prayer flags is a horse carrying a jewel on its back. It is believed that it fulfills wishes, brings prosperity and well-being. The flags make five primary colors, symbolizing the five elements of the human body. Mantras are applied to them, which are activated upon contact with the wind and carry encrypted messages around the world.

    Kailash is a place of spiritual power that awakens believers and purifies their minds. People come here to say the prayer that everyone carries in their hearts. It is believed that the one who makes this pilgrimage will be cleansed of all his sins and learn the secret of the universe.

    Films about the secrets and mysteries of the sacred mountain Kailash:

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